Lime prewash also contains a bactericidal agent to ensure that the vehicle is not just clean visually but that all microscopic bactericidal spores are killed resulting in the vehicle being much more resistant to mouldy growth, even when left uncleaned for an extended period. "Exceptionally good for cleaning soft top convertibles"
What is it:
Taken from the HD Car Care website; Lime Prewash, a high level of lime solvent to provide superior performance when it matters. It can be used as a prewash, degreaser, a bug remover and a general all purpose cleaner for wheels, arches, door edges and boot apertures.
How we tested it:
We have put 1 litre of Lime Pre Wash through its paces for some time now during which time we have been able to test it at a variety of dilutions and on a variety of tasks. We have looked at the cleaning power of the product, range of uses and the value offered amongst others.
We Liked:
We Didn't Like:
HD Car Care have been gaining a great reputation for products over recent times and we thought only right to put them through their paces. Lime Pre Wash is one of the first we have done so with and it is certainly worthy of the praise it has received elsewhere. With a pre wash it is not so much about cleaning your vehicle but aiding the cleaning process. What HD Car Cares entry does well is allow you to break the bonds and degrease the heavier soiling whilst offering a wide range of dilution options to suit the task at hand. We found it particularly effective when used in conjunction with a snow foam, using the citrus to do the hard work and the snow foam to gently drag away the soiling. Having said that, this can also be used through a foaming lance should you choose! A very impressive pre wash option, if a touch more expensive than some.
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